clearing mud

Slogging through information overload

You’re doing what? September 15, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — clearingmud @ 3:43 pm

I’m blogging and I blame it on my sister in-law. She suggested I start a blog about nutrition for children. Quite possibly this because she recognizes how anal retentive I am regarding research and is lazy. You know, why recreate the wheel, Leslie has probably already exhausted this one. More likely she just gets sick of calling me with questions and would prefer a less personal method of interaction because who knows what I’ll launch into. Regardless, I’m giving it a whirl.

When found I was pregnant, I immediately began researching: what to eat, how much to exercise, when to visit the doctor, what tests to do … you know all the regular stuff. I immediately felt overwhelmed by the enormity of and confused by the contradicting information out there. It was about as clear as mud.

We live in strange times, overloaded with information. It really amazes me that you can search for anything on the Internet, ANYTHING, and you will get results. And I feel almost handcuffed by the responsibility to research everything because I can.

When we were going through prenatal testing with our first child I remember my Mom said, “Gosh I would have loved the ability to have tests done when I was pregnant. You know so much more than we did.” Yes, she was absolutely right, but what she didn’t recognize is what a burden all that knowledge is. My parents never had a conversation about aborting a fetus based on such a test because the test didn’t exist and boy is that a rough conversation to have. That was something my Mom could simply not appreciate.

My point is not to get into a conversation about birth defects and abortion, but rather to emphasize that fact that all this information is kind of a pain in the hootzba because someone has to wade through it all, form an opinion and then communicate that opinion. And current dissatisfaction with all, ‘news’ organizations leaves me to do much of this on my own. Maybe I have trust issues.

When I get wound up, I’ll post. Most of the time I get wound up about health and nutrition topics, but I can’t promise politics won’t rear its ugly head.

I’ll consider this blog successful if I enjoy it and we learn something from each other. Bonus if you enjoy it too.


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